At one time or another, virtually every driver has gone through a red light. This happens for many different reasons, ranging from poorly calibrated traffic lights to road rage. Still, running red lights is exceedingly dangerous, particularly for pedestrians....
Trial Attorneys With A Record Of Multimillion-Dollar Wins
Year: 2022
Does signing a general medical release help your injury claim?
Car accidents continue to cause serious injuries to Americans of all ages. When these accidents occur, they often leave drivers and passengers with unpayable medical bills. In fact, according to the National Safety Council, the total cost of injury-causing car...
What details to share with insurance companies after an accident
When you have just been in a car accident, you may feel unsure about who to speak and share information with. Under Illinois law, people involved in a reportable accident must report the incident to the Illinois Department of Transportation within 10 days. Contrarily,...
What to do if you are in a car accident with your baby
A car accident is dangerous enough as it is, but if your baby is in the car with you when someone crashes into you, it can be a nightmare scenario. A young, preverbal infant cannot inform you if he or she is experiencing any pain. Symptoms from a severe injury may not...
How bad is road rash?
As a motorcyclist, you have far less protection than drivers in covered vehicles. One wrong move could send you sprawling across the pavement. Even if you wear all of the appropriate clothing and gear, you could still end up injured. Abrasions such as road rash may...
How does drowsiness contribute to crashes?
Drivers across the board understand the dangers of distracted driving. In particular, texting while driving has gotten a lot of heat in recent years. But there are other, equally dangerous behaviors that some drivers might falsely believe are not as risky. Drowsy...
How Chicago addresses pedestrian safety
Improving fitness and rising gas prices are a few reasons why more Chicago, Illinois residents are walking and jogging to their nearby destinations. However, as one of the largest cities in the country, traffic congestion can result in catastrophic crashes between...
Chicago-area resources for brain injury survivors
Few injuries have the potential to interfere more with your life than a traumatic brain injury. After all, if you have a TBI, you may experience memory lapses, changes in mood and concentration difficulties. Your loved ones also may struggle to adjust to the new...
Texting while driving may lead to serious accidents and lawsuits
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration notes that 660,000 motorists use cell phones while driving. As reported by, during any given moment, a driver has sent or read a text message while operating a vehicle. The NHTSA estimates that 400 fatal...
The dangers of dooring accidents for Chicago bicyclists
Better awareness of surrounding traffic could cut down on a significant number of accidents. For example, distracted drivers in Illinois tend not to notice bicyclists until it is too late, if at all. Poor awareness may result in mishaps that cause injury, including...