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Even a minor rear-end collision can cause traumatic brain injury

On Behalf of | May 23, 2022 | Brain Injury, Car Accidents

Low-speed rear-end collisions happen every day in the Chicago area and the victims often walk away, apparently uninjured.

However, since underlying injuries could exist, remember to seek prompt medical care, especially if you hit your head during impact. You could have a concussion or traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Two forms of TBI

There are two forms of TBI: open and closed. Open refers to a situation where a foreign object pierces the skull and becomes lodged in the brain. The much more common closed form refers to damage from a blow or bump to the head. For example, in a rear-end collision, the impact could cause you to strike your head on the steering wheel or windshield.

What happens

During impact in a collision, the brain can push against the inside of the skull, causing bruising. A blow to the head can also impair the function of the brain’s nerve cells. Some injured cells can recover, but others may lose their ability to communicate with other cells or generate the energy necessary for recovery.

Not always obvious

A compelling reason to seek medical care is that TBI symptoms do not always appear at the time of a car crash. They may not show up for days or even weeks, but a doctor can perform tests and plan a treatment program for the near term that would also help to prevent long-term issues. Symptoms to watch for include:

  • Drowsiness or fatigue
  • Dizziness or balance issues
  • Headache or nausea
  • Blurred vision
  • Sensitivity to light or noise
  • Confusion or disorientation
  • Concentration or memory issues
  • Mood swings or feelings of anxiety

If you suffer a brain injury caused by a negligent driver, you have the right to anticipate maximum compensation to cover your medical expenses and more.