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Some safety features can be unsafe for cyclists

On Behalf of | Jun 7, 2021 | Car Accidents

When you see a cyclist on the road, you likely edge over to stay as far from a bicyclist as possible to avoid a collision. However, bicycle accidents occur on the road often, and there are some vehicle safety features that could pose even more of a threat for cyclists. If you are an Illinois resident and want to know more about how to keep everyone safe when riding a bike on the road, here are some important things you should know.

Lane-keeping assistance

Lane-keeping assistance is a feature added to some vehicles that keeps drowsy drivers from weaving in and out of traffic lanes or getting too close to the white lines in the road. This feature allows the steering wheel to move on its own, so there are times when lane-keeping assistance could keep drivers from running into other automobiles but still putting bikers in danger. In an attempt to avoid bicycle accidents, drivers may try to steer the car in another direction, but the assistance feature could slow the driver’s reaction time.

How common is lane-keeping assistance?

Nearly all modern automobiles now feature a combination of sensors and cameras so that drivers can monitor their surroundings and program automatic responses to avoid collisions with other vehicles. These features are well-intentioned but can make it difficult for a driver to slam on the brakes quickly enough to avoid injuring a cyclist. It is important for drivers to be extremely familiar with their vehicles to lower the chances of a collision.

Speak with a personal injury lawyer if you or a loved one has been the victim of a bicycle accident. A lawyer may investigate the crash to see if you are eligible for compensation.